Great Designs Make Great Brand!! Get your product promoted by unique designs
A few days ago I went to the big bazaar with a friend. While hanging near the snack shelves she suddenly picked up 5-6 packets of fryums. We girls are on diet and this insane added this much packets to the cart. I asked have you ever tasted this before. You are buying 6 packets. And she was like “see, packet accha dikh rha hai to product accha hoga na” and suddenly I remember that the first impression is the best impression!! Who wants a lifeless and boring brand? Research has shown that people are more attracted to the packaging designs and they want a product that looks good. It is said that consumer takes around 7 seconds to decide whether to put a product in a cart or keep as it is on the shelf. Your packaging designs create an impact on the minds of customer and the high number of customers (and my friend too!) have tried product only because of its packaging look and designs. So it is the first impression that persuades customers to buy products. So we can sa...